WA Senator Says Legislature Needs To ‘Focus On Housing’
Lauren Paterson reports one Washington state legislator believes housing will be a big focus of the next legislative session. (Runtime :53)
Democratic Senator Patty Kuderer from Bellevue chairs the Senate Housing Committee.
She says while the legislature works with local governments to push incentives, it’s also up to the state to create policies that incentivize affordable housing.
“In other words, let’s see densification large multi-unit developments near mass transit centers. For example, let’s eliminate exclusionary zoning to allow for the development of accessory dwelling units and detached accessory dwelling units. I think that that is something that we’re definitely taking a look at,” she says.
Kuderer says the state legislature is looking into streamlining the building permit process, and giving a homestead exemption to keep seniors and disabled people housed.
Homestead protection laws are intended to prevent homeowners from becoming homeless in the event of extreme financial hardship.